How to enhance your morning routine and elevate productivity.

We have heard a lot about ‘morning routines’ and how the first few minutes/hours after you wake up determine the overall productivity of your day. Studies have shown that it is essential to be mindful in how we spend the early hours of the day, we have heard about how the most extremely successful peopleContinue reading “How to enhance your morning routine and elevate productivity.”

Financial Self-Care in 5 Easy Steps

Money is such a vital element in our day to day lives that it has the ability to cause stress to most if not all of us. What is the world without money? What are we without money? People around the world are worried about the amount of money they have to live on andContinue reading “Financial Self-Care in 5 Easy Steps”

July 2020: Seeking pleasure everyday!

The world has gone through dramatic changes recently and as we approach the season of travel in many parts of the world, leisure and pleasure may look different than it did a year ago. In that case, it is up to us to be creative in how we spend our time and still manage toContinue reading “July 2020: Seeking pleasure everyday!”

Why the best relationships feel like home.

Just as we live in physical homes, we live inside emotional homes too. This lockdown period has brought about this feeling more than ever before, humans are emotional homes for us, especially the people we love and care for deeply. The person you love will eventually see the messy, boring and sad things about youContinue reading “Why the best relationships feel like home.”

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